Sunday, March 21, 2010

Postcard #8

“Don’t forget to stop and smell the roses.” –Mr. Peter Stigings

Once in class we discussed about what would happen if we didn’t, or couldn’t, have our personal vehicles to conveniently take us to places whenever we want. I was very interested in this thought. At this point in my life, I think it would be a God-send. With a job, three young children, family, friends, community commitments, and Masters Studies, I often feel that I am being chased by time. Without a luxury of personal transportation, I think that our lives, at least mine, will be much simpler than it is today. We all have ONLY 24 hours in a day.
I enjoy what I do of course. My family, work and studies are my life that I chose. However, I can’t believe how busy my days are. The responsibilities people have now-a-days are different than a generation ago. Most families have to have both spouses work to keep a decent living.
Although I am chased by time often, I must remember to stop and enjoy the moments that I have right now. My Faculty Advisor at UBC, Peter Stigings, reminded me of that every time we met. How important it is to recognize and be grateful for the time you have. It is a short time that we are on this planet we must make the effort to be fully present in our lives and truly live it.

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