Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Postcard #9

Come Fairies, take me out of this dull world, for I would ride with you upon the wind and dance upon the mountains like a flame! -William Butler Yeats

As I was driving Rebecca and myself up to SFU for our class and presentation, a car came and hit us from behind. Being rear-ended is like a forceful push/encouragement to move ahead in a moment of stillness. However, it is the opposite that happens; you don’t go ahead you stop. Because of the force we were stopped on the road for a good half hour.
My last postcard reflection was on being vigilant about taking the time to enjoy the moments. Naturally, I didn’t enjoy the moment of being hit by another car, or the moments shortly after. However, because of it, with some soreness in my neck and back, I was able to take a few days off from work and rest at home, be with my family, and enjoy these moments. It’s interesting what unfortunate things can bring.
Our Performative Inquiry on oppression went very well. There were many things that we didn’t plan, but turned out beautifully. I was very pleased with the outcome, and also very grateful for Rebecca and the other classmates for their participation. Both Rebecca and I had to stay attentive to what was going on in terms of peoples’ reaction and where the story is leading us. And with that, we tried to be aware of how we were reacting to the story development as well. It was difficult at times to follow and be sensitive to everything that was going on, but I take that as part of the inquiry as well. Sometimes things happen around you that you are not aware of but it has an impact on your life. The two fairies really did take us to another world where we were provided an opportunity to explore ourselves and our thoughts.
Despite the physical and emotional distress that we had to face earlier in the day, we charged through with much success. Maybe an invisible fairy took us away to a place where we could focus on our presentation, and was helping us get through the night.

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