Friday, February 5, 2010

My Purging Week 1

I am very happy to report that I have done quite well with my purging week this week.
Starting with Nicholas' clothes (re: Postcard #4) on Monday, and continuing on with going through toys, re-organizing the garage etc.

By the way, our single car garage is really an extension of our house. It's really a storage/mud/catch-all room. It's real handy to have, but real easy to cutter it up. Anything that doesn't fit in the house goes to the garage. =(

I gave away a few toys to Audrey's daycare, and to church, and organized some of the toys. This weekend I plan to goes through more stuff. I realize this purging process is going to take some time as I have so much to go through.

I admit and say it out loud! It's been two and a half years since we've been in this house and there are some boxes that have not been touched! I promise I will open the boxes and go through them!

Did I ever mention that I have the most amazing kids in the world? They are the joy of my life. I am truly blessed.

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